Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Session 2 Strawpoll on migration and history presentation

Everything can be looked at historically!

To think historically requires an understanding of the history concepts of the curriculum

Tutorial presentation on History for Session 2 (24/11/16)

“…….teachers must be passionate and excited about a subject in order to teach it well, and that an understanding of the discipline’s concepts, structures and processes is crucial in achieving this.”

Rosie Turner-Bisset

University of Hertfordshire

 Some questions to Strawpoll (just click on the URL under the question and vote).

1. Presently Australia's refugee intake is ..% of migrant intake. 


2. The population of Australia should be increased by increasing our intake of migrants beyond the current level of 203,000/year by ....

3. Australia should decrease the current intake level of migration.


4. Australia's population growth should be stopped at .......


5.  All migrants should be put on  register.


6. Australia's intake of migrants has increased by about ..% over the past 10 years.


7. Australia should be more selective with immigration intakes.


8. Refugees should be a higher percentage of our immigration intake.


9. Non-refugee migration intake should be determined by the economic capacity of applicant. 


10. The off-shore processing policy should be abandoned.


11. Detention centres for refugees should not exist in Australia.


Other questions you would like to know what the class thinks?

Can you answer these without the knowledge about migration in Australia?  

Check out the stats.



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