Sunday, October 27, 2013

New DECD resources on the Australian Curriculum

Certainly worth a look! 

Over recent months the 'Teaching for Effective Learning' section of DECD has posted some useful materials on their "Making the Australian Curriculum work for us' resource to support the teaching and learning of the Australian Curriculum in SA schools. Here is a glimpse of the recently posted materials on the DECD site . They are certainly worth a look! 

As you can see below the resources deal with history  mathematics, English, science and geography and includes creative animations, broadsheets on the curriculum and 'talking heads'. I understand there will be plenty more useful things to come.  

The Story of the learning areas animation. An excellent animation on 'What is ... for'

Talking heads on the learning areas 

The curriculum's, year by year, all on one page in the Learning Area Explorer.

Sound bites from the public on their perception of the learning areas