Sunday, June 30, 2013

Some technology sites to consider for our teaching

 Image above: Bec's top11 sites for technology in the  classroom

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Geographical thinking  
Spatial literacy  
History and geography 

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Some technology sites to consider for our teaching

I recently ran a workshop with Bec Nicholas from Brisbane on technology in the geography classroom. Her presentation of her top 11 sites to do technology is something to consider for our teaching - they are not just relevant to geography, so feel free to explore!!. Just ideas to explore!  I am sure any of them you have already used but just in case ...

Two other great sites for technology in the classroom are:

Please share with the faculty if you have any other technology orientated sites you use.


Engaging with the AITSL Standards

 Image above: The AITSL website Home Page and introductory video.

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Geographical thinking  
Spatial literacy  
History and geography 

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Time to engage!

"...they guide professional learning, practice and engagement, facilitates the improvement of teacher quality and contributes positively to the public standing of the profession. The key elements of quality teaching are described in the Standards. They articulate what teachers are expected to know and be able to do at four career stages: Graduate, Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead."

 In our faculty meetings we have briefly talked about the AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and their relevance and importance to us as teachers in SA. Our faculty meetings this week provide us with the opportunity to 'get our heads' around the Standards and to discuss their implications for our work as teachers at Thebarton Senior College.

 “As professionals, teachers need to engage in reflective practice to critically think about their skills and knowledge, access professional development for improvement and become an active member of learning communities to meet their professional needs.”

* Here is some background about the standards before we look at them in detail.

  • The Standards define the work of teachers and make explicit the elements of high-quality, effective teaching in 21st-century schools, which result in improved educational outcomes for students.
  • The Standards present a common understanding and language for discourse between teachers, teacher educators, teacher organisations, professional associations and the public.
  • Teacher standards also inform the development of professional learning goals, provide a framework by which teachers can judge the success of their learning and assist self-reflection and self-assessment.
  • The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers is organised into four career stages and guide the preparation, support and development of teachers. The stages reflect the continuum of a teacher's developing professional expertise from undergraduate preparation through to being an exemplary classroom practitioner and a leader in the profession.
  • The Graduate Standards will underpin the accreditation of initial teacher education programs. Graduates from accredited programs qualify for registration in each state and territory. The Proficient Standards will be used to underpin processes for full registration as a teacher and to support the requirements of nationally consistent teacher registration.
  • The Standards at the career stages of Highly Accomplished and Lead will inform voluntary certification
* Organisation of the Standards

  • The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers comprise seven Standards which outline what teachers should know and be able to do. The Standards are interconnected, interdependent and overlapping. 
  • The Standards are grouped into three domains of teaching: Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement. In practice, teaching draws on aspects of all three domains.
  • Within each Standard, focus areas provide further illustration of teaching knowledge, practice and professional engagement. These are then separated into Descriptors at four professional career stages: Graduate, Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead.

* Certification: a future conversation


 Faculty task:
What are the indicators (nouns and verbs) to determine whether a teacher is a Proficient, Highly Accomplished or Lead teacher? In short, what are the determinants that need to be evidenced to determine whether a teacher is proficient, highly accomplished or lead. Such determinants will play an important role in future Personal Development Plans in schools around Australia.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

TED-Ed - an amazing resource

 TED Ed Use engaging videos to create customized lessons.

We have all heard or looked at TED over the years. The site is an amazing source of stimulating talks.  Now there is TED-Ed! TED-Ed is a great resource to support your teaching on any topic. You can use, tweak, or completely redo any lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch based on any video from YouTube.

In particular, the site advocates Flip lesson planning. "Flipping" a video allows you to turn a video into a customized lesson that can be assigned to students or shared more widely. You can add context, questions, and follow-up suggestions to any video on TED-Ed or YouTube.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Worth a look: Humanities and English resources for AC

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Resources supporting the Australian Curriculum for English, History and Geography

Over recent weeks we have seen the publication of on-line resources to support the Australian Curriculum for English, History and Geography (also Mathematics). These resources have been developed by the national teaching associations for the subjects (
HTAAAATE and AGTA) with money supplied from the Australian Government via Educational Services Australia (ESA). The SACOL (Supporting Australian Curriculum Online) resources are worth a look because they contain professional learning materials on our learning areas as well as specific teaching materials for the new F-10 Australian Curriculum in these subjects. As well as providing some useful professional learning in humanities, the resources may also provide some teaching ideas and activities which can be adapted to our Stage 1 subjects.

As time goes by, the sites are likely to include materials to support the Year 11 and 12 courses as they are published by ACARA. These sites are worth a look to see what is going on with the Australian Curriculum, which is already impacting on F-10 schools and indirectly will impact on us next year by the fact that some of our students will have undertaken the Australian Curriculum subjects instead of SACE in their Year 10 classes this year.

If you have not already done so, go to the
ACARA Curriculum Portal to view the English, Geography and History curricula prior to looking at the resource sites to get some background on these three new curriculum's in our faculty area.

Here are the SACOL sites relevant to English and Humanities at Thebarton Senior College for your preview:

The English site

The History site

The Geography site

... and the Mathematics site for those interested

The Science site (ASTA) should be published by the end of June. As for the business and economics and civics and citizenship sites, no decisions have been made as yet (waiting for the money from the Federal Government). Hopefully these learning areas will have the chance to develop resources to support the Australian Curriculum in those subjects when they are published by ACARA.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Faculty sharing

Putting the curriculum jigsaw together?

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Thanks for sharing

Thanks to Marisa, Liz and Emma for presenting their work at TSC last night. I hope everyone is finding useful the sharing of our work at faculty meetings. As you are aware the reason for sharing is to update our curriculum knowledge so that we can be informed when talking to students about subject choices in our learning area. Really appreciate those who have put themselves out there to present to the faculty and look forward to hear from others over coming months. Just come and see me if you wish to present anything to the faculty (even if you have already presented).
As promised at the meeting, here is Marisa's presentation as a pdf.

From Marisa on Specialist Courses at TSC

The following powerpoint outlines two of the Packaged courses available at Thebarton Senior College. The ATAR Package allows students to complete their SACE and gain an ATAR to many University courses. The SACE Completion Package is aimed towards students who wish to complete their SACE and gain entry into TAFE courses starting at Certificate 3 or 4 level, gain apprenticeships, or enter the workforce. This powerpoint details the subjects and teachers involved in both packages and also the benefits for students when completing their SACE through these specially designed courses.
*** you will need to unblock Dropbox to view the Powerpoints uploaded on this blog.***